Here is a request for theatre actors [email] [/email] My name is Trevor Presley. I'm a local Film and Stage producer/writer. I'm
producing a play for the Victoria Fringe Festival and I'm looking for
talent. Specifically I'm looking for 3 male and 2 female stage Actors as
One male, mid 30s, lawyer type
One male, mid 30s, slacker who lives with his mom.
One Male, white collar criminal, age 50 ish
One female, teacher, age 25-35
One female, mom, age 50-60
It is for a comedy. The 1st 10 minutes of the play has already been read in
front of a live audience at the Belfry theatre where it received rave
reviews and laughs. I'm shooting for best play in the fringe. It is low
budget non union, but I can offer the actors a % of the box profits for the
6 shows. Probably 10% a piece. I'm looking for people with stage experience.
I'm also looking for a stage director.